Verdant more is of an amine group, a carboxylic acid group and a side chain that varies between different amino acids and high quality plant stimulants.
Various field tests , crop cycle tests and research done to prove effectiveness of Verdant More.
1 litter per acre in difference of every 15-20 days stating from seed to fruit stage.
20% Dry basis total dissolve solid agro chemicals w/w to prepare net formulation, which includes Soya Amino Acid, Fulvic Acid, Enzyme, Minerals, Micro Elements and PGR traces.
Net content : 1 litter
Roots & Overall Growth:
Improve absorbtion rate and transport rate of microelements in plants.
Promote biological nitrogen fixation and protein synthesis Avail the protein synthesis and chlorophyll production of crops.
Quickly correct the present and potential nutrient deficiency disease.
Accelerate seed germination and increase crop yield.