


Category: organic-powder

Black Bentonite Powder

Product Color: Black
Granule Size: Powder Form
Dosage: 100 kg for per acre of land.
Available Packing :
  • 50 kg white plain bag & 50 kg Company branded bag
  • 50 kg white plain bag & 50 kg Company branded bag

Product Description

  • Plant growth promoters in powder form, this speedup the growth of crop and maintain such elements in soil which help plant to
    stay green and healthy.
  • The common plant cell types are meristematic cells, parenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, sclerenchyma cells, and reproductive
    cells, all of them are maintained strong to fight all king of climatic and chemical side effects.
  • Plant cells in a tissue communicate by plasmodesmata. They are microscopic channels that link plant cells by thin strands, Prime
    Booster facilitate transport between individual plantcells.

Biological Importance of Prime Booster :

  • Plant cells are important as part of the biotic component of an ecosystem. They are the primary
    producers on which non-autotrophic organisms rely upon as a source of nutrients and organic
    matter. Fibers (e.g. phloem fibers) are collected for their commercial value. They are marketed
    as jute, hemp, flax, ramie, rattan, and kenaf. They also produce compounds that have medicinal
    and industrial value.

Main Elements

Vachellia nilotiaca, Ascophyllum nodosum, Potassium Humate Amino acid, wormy wash, Cow urine and many more.


Soil Application

Product Action & Benefits :

  • In addition to supplying nutrients, it also acts as a soil conditioner.
  • It actually makes up a significant percentage of brown kelp's mass, and is responsible for helping give the plant rigidity while submerged in seawater.
  • It play important roles in plant growth and development, regulating diverse processes such as cell elongation, cell division, photo morphogenesis, xylem differentiation, and reproduction as well as both a-biotic and biotic stress responses.