
Grow More

Grow More

Category: liquids


Product Color: Brown
Dosage: Foliar Application : 1-2 ML / 15 LTR OF WATER(PUMP) Drip Irrigation : 1 LTR Per Acre Seed Treatment : 15-20 ML / 1 Kg of seed
Available Packing :
  • 1 Ltr. Bottle
  • 500 ml. Bottle
  • 250 ml. Bottle

Product Description

  • An extraction from marine seaweed and chelated microelements which contains bioactive ingredients alginic acid, betaine, mannitol , iodine and alginic polyphenol etc.
  • Various field tests , crop cycle tests and research done to prove effectiveness of Grow More.


1 LTR per acre in difference of every 15-20 days stating from seed to fruit stage.


Soil Benefits :

  • Raise Moisture retention and boost buffering capacity of soil.
  • Remediates radiation & other toxins in soil.

Roots & Overall Growth:

  • Avail the protein synthesis and chlorophyll production of crops.
  • Enhance the anti-stress and anti diseases capacity.
  • Accelerate seed germination and increase crop yield.
  • Increase yield and improve quality significantly.
  • Maximise Photosynthesis and increase cell division

Leaf & Fruit benefits :

  • Obtain bigger and well-shaped fruits,
  • increase the content of sugar and vitamins in fruits,
  • Leaves become green and thick fast.
  • Improve Blossom and Fruit set
  • Increase the size and weight vegetables
  • Growmore is specifically designed to perform best results in vegetable crops.