
Organic Powder

The entire range of products therefore includes the most qualified choice of soil improvers, organic-mineral and corrective fertilizers, available in liquid, powder and granule forms. In addition, soils and complementary items are produced for hobby gardening, as well as cultivation substrates for professional gardening. Our Production Unit for organic fertilizers is modern conception, has all the safeguards for the protection of the environment and cutting-edge technologies.

Type:Black Bentonite Powder

Organic Powder

Products Action and Advantages

BVM Agro Trade Organic fertilizers and soil improvers, thanks to our innovative production process and selected raw materials, provide important agronomic and economic advantages for the farmers as mentioned below:
  • High and balanced nutritional intake (nitrogen phosphorus, potassium and trace elements).
  • Increase of organic matter and beneficial microorganisms in the soil.
  • Gradual release of elements, so that nutrients are available with a rhythm that ensures the optimal absorption by the plant.
  • Decrease of nitrogen loss for leaching.
  • Increase of cationic exchange capacity of soils.
  • Improved solubility of oligos such as iron, zinc and manganese.
  • Increased buffer capacity of soils (better ph for a plants growth).
  • Optimum humic coefficient (high production of humus).
Product Advantages